Friday, August 5, 2011

Throw the Rascals Out !!!

I am pretty disgusted with the "leadership" of our Nation. Both Congress and the President have mismanaged our economy.

The Democrats refuse to even consider trimming Social Security and Medicare. The Republicans refuse to even consider a tax increase. Both are needed.

I am of the opinion that we need new folks in both the White House and Congress.  I predict the next election will be bad for incumbents, and it should be.

When we elect people we need pragmatic problem solvers who will not just pander to their base. We need quality ethical people who will not just say and do what they think will get them reelected.

Ultimately we deserve the government we elect. And we as voters have not been doing a very good job. Let us try to do better in the next election.

Throw the rascals out!!!

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