Thursday, May 30, 2013

2016 Presidential Ticket?

The two cartoons above are snarky but funny. I should not have put them on here - 10 pushups for me.

It is remarkable is that anyone runs for political office given the level of character assassination that is routine. And of course a lot of good people do not run for just this issue.

Very partisan D's and R's are of course the worst. They scream and rant and demonize. You would think Obama/Bush/Clinton were the new Satan, instead of
pretty decent and competent guys.

Appointive office in government is almost as bad. Why all my friends (and I a few times) would become city managers is hard to understand. You take the job knowing that at some future date the long knives will come out and you will be
fired for something.

The jokes I use with my city manager friends follow.

Would you trust anyone to manage your city who had such poor judgement that he would take a job working for 7 elected politicians, any 4 who can fire her at any time for any reason?

City management is much like running on top of a large rolling greasy ball.

City management is an oxymoron and an unatural act.

I am ok with the funny joke about our government leaders. It is the incessant nitpicking accusations from both the left and right that are irritating. I just consign these opinions where they belong and think less of the person and/or political party making the outrageous and unfair accusation.

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