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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Conservative Blogs
Edgy, insightful commentary when Ace is at the helm of this sometimes slash and burn pirate ship. It now comes with a number of readers become guest bloggers, enabling you to keep up on most topics for discussion in the political blogosphere on any given day. They'll keep you informed, but make no mistake, for fiery, as well as intelligent political blog posts written with a genius for springing the unexpected belly laugh, or snark, Ace represents that fine edge of the political Right-side blogs, often pushing the limits of blog commentary to where the mainstream media dare not go. It's work-safe, so read it and enjoy it. Just don't tell your mother you're doing it and you should be fine.
She's conservative, but don't tell anyone, she may lose her Hollywood cred. That's right, a now non-political blog making a political blogger's Top Ten. Why? Well, when you're O-bottomed out, Bushed with politics, or feeling like the Gingrinch at Christmas, you need a break. What better way to take it than with a funny, extremely well written and always snarky, sometimes off the wall and flat-out outlandish blog featuring items like beefcake for the ladies, or the latest Hollywood, or sometimes British Rock Star car wreck for clicks and giggles. Or maybe the latest LA face-lift, or implants gone terribly wrong, and more you'll enjoy reading about just for the fun. All politics makes Dan a dull boy and Agent Bed Head has the skillz to lighten the load. (wink) Trust me, I've read her for several years. I know!
A combination of longer more substantive items on a daily basis - almost more columns, than blog posts. The site also now hosts its own pure blog to enjoy. The longer items are usually more sophisticated, or thoughtful, yet accessible for lay readers. They don't rely on one blogger to generate post after post on any given day, which provides time for deeper analysis. They have a rotating list of solid authors, enabling them to tackle an in-depth, as well as informed, view of most every important political news item, or political issue upon which they choose to focus. I do write an item for them occasionally, but not often. What pure blogger with his own blog has the time?
Okay, why would a conservative blogger suggest one of the largest, most unhinged Lefty blogs out here as one of his Top Ten? Am I really that dedicated to presenting a balanced, or otherwise important point of view? Nah. But there are good reasons for it. There are so many fine, well worth reading conservative blogs out there today, as opposed to 2004 when I started, I've been hard pressed to list only ten, let alone in any order. I've already left out too many good ones and good people to count. But if you want to understand conservative blogs, which I do hope you will consider reading - you must understand the utterly vapid nature and stupidity of the liberals against whom we fight. I would have linked the White House blog. But there's so little honesty coming from that message machine today, it's simply not worth your time.
Glenn Reynolds is a libertarian, not a conservative. But he is the driving force behind the rise and increasing importance of political blogs - and not just for the Conservative Right. As an out-link blog, providing more links, than commentary, his content is eclectic, so it's a quick solid look for anyone throughout the day. His ability to drive, or influence discussion across all political blogs, Left and Right, remains unmatched and makes him a must read.
It isn't a "blog," it is a meme tracker across different general topic areas. Obviously I follow politics almost exclusively. If you want to know the news headlines tomorrow, or what will make the 6 o'clock news in politics, along with what the largest number of popular political blogs are discussing on any given day, there isn't a better place to start. Many political blogs use this as a must read source these days. From there, you just click a blog, or headline to read. An easy and important add here for me, before I start making more enemies than friends, due to all the terrific political blogs. I'd encourage everyone to surf around. The field has grown tremendously over the years.
I'm not picking no brainers here due to their large readership numbers and success. And I'm not simply listing friends, or what have you. While Glenn was the initiator of sorts, Michelle, more than almost anyone, has taken the form in new directions and on into more established media, too. That's partly due to her existing reputation as a quality author and syndicated columnist. It's another must read, often for reports with depth on certain topics each day. And between her posts and rotating Buzzworthy space on the right side, you'll know what many political blogs are discussing on any given day.
RCP is a sharp looking, easily navigated polished site that allows you to catch up on all of today's important political news - from big media to the blogs. It never fails to offer up something to think, talk, or blog about. And it even lists some top political blog posts of every day. Just surf around. Also, when it's election time, there is currently no comparison between RCP and any other poll aggregation and analysis site. That alone makes it an indispensable site. And it now offers a great deal more.
More a conservative blog, as opposed to just a Right-leaning, or Republican blog. The special significance of RedState is that it's the blog that Republicans in Washington, D.C. want to be featured on in a positive manner. They occasionally enjoy having their own content posted, as well. Not for everyone, read squishy liberals and softer moderates. It represents the solid Right grassroots conservative movement more than many in some ways. That shouldn't be read that there aren't debates, or even major disagreements among the Right blogs. Most of us are free thinkers and individualists first, with everything else flowing from that. And, yes, I have posting privileges I use occasionally thanks to Editor, Eric Erickson.
Yes, there are Hawks on the Right. But they aren't the protected kind. They're interested in the stories and news our noble young men and women at arms are living everyday in Afghanistan and Iraq. And if you want to get your jihad on, or simply keep track of what America's enemies committed to jihad around the world are up to on any given day, Rusty's place is the place on the Right to get the news.
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