Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sexual Assaults in the Military - Salem Witch Trials

The Atlantic Wire points out that the rape rate of the Department of Defense is lower than the United States as a whole - despite a much younger population, with many of the troops drawn from high crime rate neighborhoods. And despite the fact that the troops are in very stressful situations away from parental involvement or the normal structures of civilian life. 

"the Department of Defense is that there are about 1.12 rapes per 1,000 employees, while the Justice Department says there are about two rapes or sexual assaults per 1,000 American women."

This is almost never reported - the first time I saw it was in the Atlantic Wire.  But then the author goes on to conclude that this lower rate is evidence of under reporting. We understand that rape and sexual assault is under reported - but the author provides no proof that it is any more under reported in DOD than in civilian life. She apparently just knows. The full quote below:

"What makes it all the more clear that the rapes are underreported in the Department of Defense is that there are about 1.12 rapes per 1,000 employees, while the Justice Department says there are about two rapes or sexual assaults per 1,000 American women."

Why is no one at the DOD fighting this? If this were a partisan issue one party would be vigorously fighting back. And if this was an attack on a private corporation they would hire experts to provide the truth or at least an explanation.

But anyone in the DOD would be pilloried by Congress and activists who know what they know. So everyone hunkers down and hires more people to fight this epidemic.

The Salem Witch Trials continues.

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