Sunday, February 27, 2011

Unfair Attack

This email is zipping around.

"The President ordered the cabinet to cut a whopping $100 million from the $3.5 trillion federal budget! 

I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing with my personal budget.. I spend about $2000 a month on groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc, but it's time to get out the budget cutting ax, go line by line through my expenses, and cut back! 

I'm going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio -1/35,000 of my total budget. After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending $2000 a month; I'm going to have to cut that number by six cents! 

Yes, I'm going to have to get by with $1999.94, but that's what sacrifice is all about. I'll just have to do without some things, that are, frankly, luxuries. 

(Did Obama actually think no one would do the math?) 

John Q. Taxpayer "

Craig -  I did check the math and the date of the original Presidential order, and read the original article.

This order occurred at his first cabinet meeting back in early 2009.

By Michael A. Fletcher
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Monday, April 20, 2009

"President Obama plans to convene his Cabinet for the first time today, and he will order its members to identify a combined $100 million in budget cuts over the next 90 days, according to a senior administration official.

Although the budget cuts would amount to a minuscule portion of federal spending, they are intended to signal the president's determination to cut spending and reform government, the official said."

I was going to put the original email on my blog as a legitimate hit on the Obama Administration until I saw the date of the original order. The email sounded like a pretty reasonable critique of the tax and spend President until you check the date and read the original article, which clearly states it is a first and symbolic action. To me the email is a pretty lame and partisan attack.

There are enough legitimate things on which to criticize the President. This is not one of them.

Photo from the Christian Science Monitor

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