Monday, June 27, 2011

The GOP Myth of Job-Killing Spending

Excellent article.and from the WSJ, "  The GOP Myth of 'Job-Killing'  Spending"

We have a very good chance that the Republicans will take over the Federal Government in 2012. And a very good chance that they will do what they are saying they will do which is to slash current spending and make our current economic malaise worse. Something like what President Hoover did in the Great Depression.

Let us hope that whoever gets in is smart enough not to cut spending until the economy is cooking again. And let's hope we are smart enough to elect someone who understands this.

Once the economy is back on track substantial cuts and/or tax increases must be implemented. Our politicians typically blame the other party for all financial ills. But there is blame enough for everyone.

Thanks to Taffy Cannon for sharing.

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