Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Governor Blagojevich Convicted

A sad affair. Sad because it says volumes about our inability to select competent honest people to run our government. And we the people elected him not once but twice.

Smart and charismatic, Blago was the classic wheeler dealer who looked and sounded good. And a great reminder of the old maxim that. "Loose Lips Sink Ships".

"Stunned and nearly speechless after hearing the verdicts against him, former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich will wake up Tuesday to the stark reality that he is likely headed to federal prison within months, leaving behind his wife, two young daughters and comfortable home in a leafy Chicago neighborhood."

"A jury convicted him Monday on 17 charges, including trying to sell or trade President Barack Obama's old Senate seat and attempting to shake down executives for campaign cash. The convictions carry a combined maximum prison sentence of around 300 years, but legal experts say a federal judge is likely to send him away for around a decade, give or take a few years."

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