Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Reduce the Budget

Submitted by an old friend on mine.

How would I reduce the federal budget in the United States?
I would allow President Obama and members of Congress to pocket a percentage of the decrease as personal compensation for a job well done.
Give a bonus to the President and members of Congress for cutting the budget. The more they cut, the more they get as a bonus. NOT a bad idea. Works in the business world, does it not?

My Response

It is Interesting idea. But there would be lots of room for the crooks and scam artists in politics to really rob us blind. Every government statistic is suspect of being fudged. I'm afraid this would make it that much worse. 

And can you imagine Congress trying to get this bill passed? They would get lynched.

So, it is an interesting idea, but probably better to leave things as they are. Let them get their money the old fashioned ways.

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