Saturday, July 2, 2011

Why Bin Laden Was Not Taken Alive

"Capturing al Qaeda's leader could have yielded useful intelligence—but would have led to a political and legal circus, and embarrassed the U.S. The political reality is that the president had no choice, writes Paul F. Campos."


We don't know who gave the order to kill Bin Laden if indeed such an order was given. Any such order would have been a violation of the Geneva Convention if Bin Laden was trying to surrender. Of course most of us won't loose much sleep if in fact our government murdered this guy, but it does raise embarrassing questions. Probably best to presume that no such order was given and that the Seal Team had no choice.


Anonymous said...

I wont cry for Osama. He deserved todie

Anonymous said...

Brings up an interesting point about the rule of law. We talk about it a lot. We don't murder people. Unless we do. Like the Osamba take down by Obama. or when we kill inocent people with our bombs. Makes them all hat us