Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stimulus - $278,000 per Job

Interesting view of the stimulus. I am not sure
of their math. One thing it does miss is that
in addition to jobs the stimulus also paid for
a lot of needed infrastructure. But some of 
the stimulus went to social programs that
had little economic stimulus value. 

"Obama’s Economists: ‘Stimulus’ 

Has Cost $278,000 per Job" 

"When the Obama administration releases a report on the Friday before
 a long weekend, it’s clearly not trying to draw attention to the report’s
contents. Sure enough, the “Seventh Quarterly Report” on the economic
impact of the “stimulus,” released on Friday, July 1, provides further
evidence that President Obama’s economic “stimulus” did very little,
if anything, to stimulate the economy, and a whole lot to stimulate the debt."
obama walks alone
"The report was written by
the White House’s Council
of Economic Advisors, a
group of three economists
who were all handpicked by
Obama, and it chronicles the
alleged success of the
“stimulus” in adding or saving

"That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job."

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