Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Left and Right

Whackos to the Left of me -- Whackos to the Right of me Volleyed and Thundered

One of the things wrong with our country is that the left and the right are not talking to each other. And with the proliferation of cable news people choose to listen to their favorite news shows, which give a partisan slant to the news.

MSNBC to the left of me  -- Fox to the right of me
Volleyed and Thundered

Now there is nothing wrong with associating with and talking primarily to those with whom you always agree. You can think what you want and listen to whom you want - it is a free country.

But it seems to me a far wiser course is to listen to both sides. Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz was a German military theorist who said "know your enemy". You should know what the other side thinks - directly from them, not edited by your favorite mud slinging pundit. So even if you disagree totally with the other side, you should read and listen to a little of their drivel so that you will be informed.

One of the reasons that the media has developed a slant is that it pays very well. Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann have become very rich by providing the news with their own bias. And they need to fire up their base by exaggerating the follies and evils of the other side. It is entertaining and fun to listen to these guys and get angry about what the other side is doing.

A wise person who wants to get both sides should listen to both sides. That is one of the things we are trying to do with this blog. Fair and balanced is a good slogan and the best way to achieve this is to listen and read both sides of an argument.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to read a little of the blogs on the left and the right. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a major problem in our government. I think we should all agree not to vote for anyone who fights all the time. i want them to work together